[First printed in the Party Matters email newsletter] The Elkhart County Republican Party wants you to know your candidates. Throughout the run toward the May Primary Election, we will be posting Q&As with your candidates to help introduce (and re-introduce) them to you – the Republican voter! All Republican candidates in the race are contacted. We continue this series with candidates running for State Representative in District 49.

Candidate Bio:

I grew up in rural Plymouth and moved to Elkhart County after graduating from Triton High School. I worked various administrative jobs in the RV industry, spending my final 11 years as a marketing manager before the birth of my first child.

My truck-driver husband, Tony, and I homeschooled our two daughters. Olivia, the oldest, will graduate from Hillsdale College this May, and Madeline is pursuing a trade. We also have two narcissistic cats that grace our happy home and grant us the privilege of feeding them.

Holding 40 Days for Life signs and praying in front of abortion clinics with my young daughters eventually led to engaging in county meetings when COVID brought mandates posing as laws. I began to speak in front of the Commissioners, the Council, and various school boards. Since then I’ve testified at Statehouse committee hearings about parental rights, protecting children from pornography, and ensuring that homeschool families are free from government intrusion.

Article 4 Section 20 of the Indiana Constitution requires our laws “be plainly worded” and avoid the “use of technical terms.” I’ve analyzed enough legislation to be capable of identifying loopholes, undefined terms, and unconstitutional agendas. I am ready to use that skill in Indianapolis to ensure legislation aligns with our state and federal Constitutions, and the natural law on which they are based.

Why did you decide to seek election/re-election to this Office?

I am running for State Representative to offer voters in House District 49 a conservative option in the May 7 primary.

 What do you feel are the main issues facing the state legislature?

The #1 issue facing the state legislature is their voting records. Based on sample legislation analyzed by TheFreedomIndex.org/in/, the 2021-2023 cumulative score shows 84% of House Republicans voted constitutionally half of the time or less.

Taxes and spending are a significant issue. Although the legislature passed a tax cut through 2030, spending is needed to provide context. Our recent two-year budget reduced taxes by $430M, yet increased spending by $7.2B. Carbon sequestration and the IEDC’s LEAP Project are prime examples of budgetary boondoggles.

Because of the culture of life in H49, voters are ready to end abortion. Current laws like Indiana Code 16-34-2-4 allow minors to obtain an abortion without parental consent, while the exception for rape requires no forensic exam or police report. Currently abortions are performed in qualifying outpatient surgical centers, and residents can legally mail order chemical abortion pills. Indiana continues to regulate abortion instead of outlawing it.

The war on food and farmers continues in Indiana. In 2022, HB1209 legalized carbon sequestration. Although the carbon credits gained through this legislation provided an economic advantage, the faulty climate science driving carbon credits puts our aquifers and crops at risk. Eating food and drinking water are more important than money.

Elkhart County is geographically one of the most distant counties from Indianapolis. How will you work with the rest of the Elkhart County slate of legislators to make sure our region is Represented?

Republican legislators not only swear an oath to support our state and federal Constitutions, but presumably align with the GOP platform. Because legislators’ loyalties are to voters and not lobbyists, working together to ensure that our region is represented well through constitutional legislation is to be expected.

If this election yields a Republican trifecta with a supermajority in the House and Senate –plus the Governor’s mansion–, Indiana will be positioned to lead the nation with laws that restore liberty and establish justice.

Why have you decided to seek election as a Republican Candidate?

I consistently align with the Indiana GOP platform in my views and by my actions.

I stand with the GOP platform that supports “balanced budgets, low taxes, and keeping government spending under control,” so that we can “live within our means.”

During COVID I was speaking out at the county level for our right to gather, worship, and make our own medical decisions. I concur with the GOP platform which states “individuals are responsible for their own actions and should be free to make responsible decisions free from government interference, as well as be free to face the consequences of irresponsible actions.”

When SCOTUS sent abortion back to the states to decide, our legislature failed to pass Amendment #76/Protection of Life which would have outlawed abortion. I, however, agree with the Indiana GOP platform that states:

  1.  We believe in the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.

  2. We believe that the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee that no one can be deprived of life, liberty or property deliberately echoes the proclamation made in the Declaration of Independence that all are endowed by their Creator with the inalienable right to life.

  3. We affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed.

  4. Our Republican-led legislature has consistently protected life, limited only by the Roe v. Wade decision.*

  5. We support the overturning of Roe v. Wade, where Indiana will be in a position to fully implement our longstanding values on life.

*Emphasis mine

Given the Indiana GOP’s clarity regarding the sanctity of life, I am running as a Republican in order to protect them both, love them both, and end abortion in Indiana – not just regulate it.

Running as a Republican aligns with my personal beliefs and political policies. I am ready to work for the people of H49 to ensure their voice is not only heard, but that it counts. Together we can win for liberty!

How can voters get in touch with you and stay updated on your campaign?

Contact and updates are available via the following:

Friends of Cindi Hajicek
P.O. Box 275
Middlebury, Indiana 46540

Phone:  574.501.3707
Email:  [email protected]
Website: www.Win4Liberty.com
Updates: Text WIN to 574.313.0575
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/win4liberty

Candidate Bio:

  • Married to Levi King for 33 years
  • 4 children
  • Joshua, lives in Goshen
  • Heather, married to Shawn Lemon lives in Texas with sons Noah and Owen
  • Mariah, married to Justin Contreras lives in Middlebury with daughter Camille Jaimeson, lives in Middlebury

I’ve been a small business owner since 1989 when I opened my first business, JoJo’s Pretzels.  Levi and I currently own several retail stores and enjoy working alongside our family and employees. We continue to empower the next generation as they take over the day-to-day management of our family businesses. Our family attends Maple City Chapel where we are active members. I graduated from Northridge High School. I was previously elected to the Middlebury Community School Board where I served for 14 years.

  • Stable Grounds, Board Member
  • Boys & Girls Club of Middlebury, past president
  • Boys & Girls Club Board of Trustees, past board member
  • Middlebury School Board, past president
  • Maple City Chapel Stewardship Team, Past Chairman
  • Goshen Theater, Capital Campaign Co-Chair
  • Indiana Torchbearer 2016
  • Hoosier Hospitality Award 2018
  • Boys & Girls Club Beacon of Light Award
  • Business Legacy Hall of Fame Award 2019
  • The Helen Murray Woman in Business Award 2019

Why did you decide to seek election/re-election to this Office?

I love living in Elkhart County.  It’s where I have raised a family, learned to work hard, started my first business, and spend most of my free time. I’ve given a great deal of my time to serve in many areas of this community. Since being elected, I have served two terms as your State Representative.  In that time, I have been able to help individuals with difficult challenges through my constituent services office. I’ve authored legislation that protects the unborn, empowers parents, and removes regulations to provide more freedoms for Hoosiers.  I am a problem solver by nature and I will always fight for the families of Elkhart County. Serving in the Indiana General Assembly has been such an honor. I will continue to approach issues with common sense solutions as I work to serve your families. I humbly ask for your vote and support as I continue to serve this great community.

What do you feel are the main issues facing the state legislature?

Inflation has continued to be an issue for Americans, and can be felt right here at home in Elkhart County.  Whether its the price of gas, eggs, milk or a home to live in, there’s no doubt our greatest challenges in the next 2-4 years will be how to combat inflation, balance a meaningful budget and reduce taxes for the prosperity that we all deserve.  Thoughtful, deliberate measures must be taken to ensure a balanced budget while making sure we continue to fund education, our roads and infrastructure and provide for the safety of Hoosiers.  Indiana has a long tradition of being fiscally conservative and that will continue to be critical as we seek to solve health care costs and the many challenges that lay before us.

Elkhart County is geographically one of the most distant counties from Indianapolis. How will you work with the rest of the Elkhart County slate of legislators to make sure our region is Represented?

Elkhart County is three hours from our state capitol. The distance alone has created awareness challenges for the Indy folks. It’s our job as legislators to tell our story and make sure we have a seat at the table. This is what we focus on….Elkhart County works. We are problem solvers, job creators, builders, givers, makers and doers. Indiana could learn a lot from the families, schools, businesses of our county.  As a group of legislators from this county, we work together to have a loud voice at the statehouse. Whether there are challenges or opportunities, we work together as a team.  Being a legislator is less about any one person but rather collaborative, thoughtful teamwork that simply won’t give up.  This is critical to being effective and makes the distance less of an issue.

 Why have you decided to seek election as a Republican Candidate?

I believe in limited government, low taxes, free markets and personal responsibility. I believe that the Republican platform has the framework of freedom in mind for Hoosiers and I believe our best days are ahead of us. We must all do our part to make our family, our community, our schools, our businesses the very best in the nation.  I’ve seen our community rise up to the challenge and I have no doubt that when we work together and focus on the principles of our party and rely on our faith, we will succeed.

How can voters get in touch with you and stay updated on your campaign?

I can be reached on Facebook at Joanna King for the People or on my website at VoteJoannaKing.com as well as by phone at 574-213-2434.