Vickie Becker
Prosecutor, Elkhart County Prosecutor's OfficeVicki Becker serves as Prosecuting Attorney for Elkhart County and has held that position since January 2017 when she was placed into office by Republican Caucus. She began her first elected term in 2019.
Donald J. Trump
President | United States of AmericaDonald J. Trump serves as the 45th President of these United States of America. Along with Vice-President Mike Pence, they work together to keep America Great.
Jeff A. Siegel
Sheriff, Elkhart County Sheriff's OfficeSheriff Jeff A. Siegel was elected in 2018 and is the 45th Sheriff of Elkhart County. He previously served as the Detective Division Commander for the Sheriff's Office with the rank of Captain.
Dan Holtz
ChairDaniel Holtz serves as your Elkhart County Republican Chairman. In this position, he oversees the operations of the Elkhart County Republican Party in their mission to promote and support Republican candidates throughout our county and municipal communities. He ...
Courtney Papa
Vice-ChairCourtney was born and raised in Elkhart. She earned a degree from Goshen College. By day she is District Director for Sen. Young and by night she is Vice Chair of Elkhart County.